Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Must to be followed website design tips for generating traffic - Soft System Solution

Website layout can either bring success (low bounce and exit rates, high conversion) or failure (high abandonment, low sales) for your business. Therefore, emphasize is needed to be laid on efficient website designing, if wanting success.
Few things that are ought to be kept in mind for generating little traffic on website, is as follows:
  • Don’t clutter your site with too much graphics and animations, as it confuses users.
  • Make navigation of the site simple and user friendly.
  • Selection of color and font text should be done appropriately, so that user is able to read properly.
  • To make website search engine friendly, keep on updating information on the website regularly.
  • Content posted on site needs to be to the point and relevant.
  • Do not just post information on site for the sake of posting. Provide information systematically on every page, so that user is able to understand your business product or service.
  • Don’t post large size images as it would hinder the loading time of website. Compresses images files are needed to be posted.
  • Do not use images that blink, as it distracts visitor’s attention and might annoy them.
  • Stick to standard layouts, so that scrolling can be done simply.
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